408-628-3626, DoublePrecisionTechServ@DoublePrecisionTechServ.com

Service Available Only In Bay Area

Double Precision Technology Services

What We Can Do For You:

RF Tests and Measurements

From DC up to 100GHz 

RF Automation for Transmit and Receive RF Tests

Hardware System Troubleshooting

Software Debugging

Software Quality

DVT and Validation 

RF Desense 

Regulatory Tests, FCC, ETSI

Antennas and Phased Array Measurements

Tx, Rx, UL, DL

Wireless Systems and IEEE Standards Verifications

RADAR Systems

Building RF Test Setups

System Design Review

Test Procedure Review

Comprehensive Documentation and Data Visualization 

Professional Programming in C++, Python, MATLAB

Instrument Troubleshooting and Repairs